Solaris Sunrise Catamaran 36

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 Catamaran Questions and Answers

Got a question about monohulls vs catamarans ? We hope we provide a few of the answers here.

Why choose a catamaran ? Accommodation, deck saloon, space, downwind performance. All these will tend to be better than a monohull of the same length.

Is a monohull better than a catamaran ? Mostly with accommodation, deck saloon, space, downwind performance the answer is NO. Upwind performance and looks - YES.

Can a cruising catamaran capsize ? There are very very few instances of cruising catamarans capsizing. The beam tends to prevent this - note we are talking cruising cats here.

Catamaran Guru says : In fact the rig or the sails should blow out before the vessel capsizes because the righting moment on a cruising catamaran is such that it is almost impossible to do even if you tried. It really takes an act of incredible “plonkerish” behavior to capsize a modern catamaran in winds under 70 knots.

Are catamarans difficult to manoeuvre ? No. Once you get used to the concept of a rectangular boat - which can, initially, seem a bit intimidating - they're generally easier to manoeuvre under engine than a mono. A Solaris Sunrise 36 which has twin engines about 15ft apart makes handling very easy. The only downside is added windage.

Are catamarans difficult to sail ? No - though if you're used to monohulls some methods need to be adjusted. The oddest thing to wrap your head around is that to de-power the boat in a squall you need to steer further off the wind. Sailing a cat well is another matter - practice makes perfect - with a little YouTube to help !

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